Since I haven't posted in awhile, here's a quick update about what I'm up to. I'm working at a preschool in Bryan, and here are a few pictures of my's a work in progress. I will be putting leaves on the tree soon! This month we're talking about taking care of pets, so we made little fish aquariums with water, food coloring, and stickers and also read a story about Jonah.

Our Valentines party is this Friday, and I made these for the kids. It was super easy and a lot of fun! All you have to do is break up pieces of crayons, put them in a heart mold, and bake at 250 degrees for 10-15 minutes. The hardest part was cleaning up.

Last week I went to get a trim and right before I went into the salon, a friend called and told me I could donate my hair if I cut 6 inches I did! Short hair is much easier to take care of, so I'm loving this style right now.

I have lived in my apartment for almost 5 months with oh so many problems. The first 3 months I didn't have hot water, last week I got locked out while my roommate was simultaneously locked in (
details here), and the other night I opened my closet to find this. The part that holds the bar in place decided to break off. Awesome.

Well that wraps up my last couple of weeks, and I'll try my best to post again in the next two months!
Your class and the multiple projects you've got going on are amazing! I hate that you're sooo creative..I wish I would have gotten some of those genes!!
I LOVE LOVE your look VERY grown up ;o)
Stupid crappy apartment..move to Arizona!!
Yaaa Janelle! I'm glad you posted! I'm sorry to hear about all the apartment stuff but your classroom is so wonderful! Hope everything is going great!
so i see you're using a signature now...funny since you make fun of me signing my initials at the bottom of each post!!! ;)
I love that you are using your talents and working with kiddos! That is awesome!
I had meant to send this to you earlier, but Christopher's favorite books are anything with Curious George and also the Critter books. He is very stuck on those right now.
Hope that helps! Miss you!
since I was so wrongfully accused of tapping into Danielle's blog from yours I thought I would give it a try. Love the update, you must be the best teacher ever!
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